Cultural Apex Roundtable

Effective leadership communication is more critical than ever in today’s fast-paced and dynamic business environment.

Becoming a trusted leader or improving the relationship you have with your team is the cornerstone of productivity success.

Cultural Apex Roundtable sessions are limited to a small group of leaders to ensure an intimate and collaborative environment. By participating, you’ll develop skills necessary to inspire, motivate, and RETAIN valued talent. You will foster a culture of open communication and confidently work through complex leadership scenarios.

This program is designed to provide each member with a learning event and hot seat issue navigation. This isn’t a talk-and-drop session - it’s a forum for working on employee issues that require discussion and implementation, along with support to help with follow-through.

  1. What does it mean to have a team that loves Mondays?

  2. What if you were to spend more time on the team's success and less on employee issues, aka DRAMA?

  3. How would it feel to be more proactive with your team and projects vs. fighting fires?

  4. How valuable would it be if there was less procrastination with conversation, preventing conflict?

    …. to name a few

How it works:

  • Two sessions a month

  • Small engaged groups to bring a community along with learning essential leadership tools

  • Bring current issues to be discussed/shared - tips, tools, and techniques to take with you to implement

  • Guest speakers for fresh insight and resources

  • Support between sessions to ensure the success of each member

It starts with a no-obligation conversation!

Click HERE to learn more!